07908 581749

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Bethan Sweetman (Private Secretary)

Privacy Policy Procedure Notice (PN)

How Mr Parulekar, FRCS, FRCOphth uses your information to provide you with healthcare.

My practice keeps medical records confidential and complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.

I, Mr. Parulekar, hold your medical records so that I can provide you with safe care and treatment. As your treating clinician and therefore custodian of personal information relating to your medical treatment, I must only use that information in accordance with all applicable law and guidance.  This Privacy Notice provides you with a detailed overview of how I will manage your data from the point at which it is gathered and onwards, and how that complies with the law.  I will use your personal information for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, providing you with care and treatment, sharing it with other medical professionals and research/clinical audit programmes.

I will also use your information so that I can check and review the quality of the care I provide. This helps me to improve my services to you.

I am a Data Controller in respect of your personal information which I hold about you.  This will mainly relate to your medical treatment, but will be likely to also include other information such as financial data in relation to billing.  I must comply with the data protection legislation and relevant guidance when handling your personal information, and so must any medical secretary who assists me in an administrative capacity. Your personal data may include any images taken in relation to your treatment which must not only be managed in accordance with the law, this Privacy Notice but also all applicable professional standards including guidance from the General Medical Council and British Medical Association.

I will share relevant information from your medical records with other health professionals or social care staff or organizations when they provide you with care and when it is clinically appropriate for me to do so. For example, your GP or optometrist will share information when they refer you to me. Or your GP will send details about your prescription to me.  I will share your health information with other health care professionals, when referring you for further investigations or to another consultant.

My secretary, Ms. Bethan Sweetman, who is a data processor, is also registered with the Information Commissioners Office. She will also have access to your information for the purpose of typing letters, organizing appointments, and ensuring all the clinical information acquired during your visits to me is up to date. In addition it is important that in an emergency, if I am unavailable, that she can supply other health professionals with relevant information if you or they request it.

My secretary will also have access to you insurance and personal details for billing purposes.

You have the right to object to information being shared about your care. Please speak to my secretary   or myself if you wish to object or if you want the sharing of your health records limited to in any way. You also have the right to have any mistakes or errors corrected.

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